Loader FCINQ



First, we structured the speech by giving it its own tone and allowing it to emerge better. We summarized this work in a promise:

“Our customers are curious to meet you”

A way to highlight a benefit that only Retailink is able to bring, to position the brand as a media while providing it with a human, modern and innovative tone that guides graphic creation.

Visual identity

The work immediately focused on the innovation carried by the brand while exploring an original way to link the Fnac and Darty entities (symbols, colors).

The choice was finally made on a logo combining geometric typography mixing roundness and very statutory straight lines. Played like a graphic gimmick, the group’s colors come to rest on the I of the logotype and recall the parentage.


To complete this new identity, we created an image bank and drew several proprietary pictograms. They allow to highlight all the multichannel offer carried by the brand while ensuring a real coherence around the brand.


In parallel with the finalization of the brand identity and its variations (business card, email signatures, presentation templates) we started to work on its digital showcase to establish its image and its notoriety.

In line with the work carried out on identity, this ergonomic, interactive and easily manageable site strengthens the position of Retailink as a media that creates value for brands.

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