With its battles scenes and its aesthetics, 300 was unforgettable. Certain scenes like the “This is Sparta” one have even become cults.
Warner planned to screen previews and bet on the OM-PSG clash which took place the weekend before the release.
How can we exploit these two things and awaken the warrior minds of web users?
Le film 300 organise un concours sur internet pour choisir où faire ses avant-premières. Bonne exemple de communication avec ses fans ! @thomasDecouvelaere
They made it
Lot of people have been working on this project, here is our part of people working on it.
Josué Pichot
Stéphane Villareal
Sébastien Ayxandri
+800 gifs generated along a single day
We put the 15 biggest cities in France in competition with each other to organise the film pre screenings.
Over the course of this very short competition, the town that gathers the most votes, clinches the victory. Out of all the participating towns, only five with have the chance to host the event.
Social networks were undoubtedly the participant’s best allies when it came to rallying their troops.
The OM – PSG clash
The derby provided the necessary tension to draw parallels with the film’s story of the Greeks and Persians.
We created an activity that would only take place on match day and that would be Twitter based to maximise its chances of going viral.
Each team had its own hashtag and a mini site which was available on-line in for people to watch the status of the battle in real time.
To finish the whole thing, we installed a GIF generator that used iconic scenes and the trailer with the option to personalise the text to challenge opposing supporters.
Digital Display
Our challenge therein was moving the billboards delivered by Warner and to make them eye catching and appealing to passers-by.
We deconstructed the visuals and animated the characters as backgrounds in order to tone down the violence in the film.